Nigel and Puccini's 'Turandot' - a Pandemic Lockdown Project (April-November 2020)

Created by Mark 2 years ago

Nigel was obsessed with Puccini's final opera 'Turandot'. He knew every recording of the work and had a thoroughly detailed knowledge of the music. Puccini died before he could finish the opera and various completions of the work have been in circulation, notably by Alfano (2 versions) and Berio. Nigel had his own strong opinions about how he felt the last act should be realised and so during the Covid pandemic lockdown of 2020 Nigel and I would 'meet' weekly via Zoom for a 'Turandot' session.

Nigel's illness was impacting on his energy levels and concentration, however, he was determined to get some of his thoughts on paper. I acted as emanuensis, cutting, pasting musical ideas from other places in the opera where Nigel felt they should return. Slowly, from April to November 2020 we managed to put together about 30 pages of vocal score before the strain of the sessions were really too much for him. It wasn't easy, to say the least  and I would severely test Nigel's (mostly) saint-like patience - but we got something down on paper.

It is a piece of music inexorably linked to my memory of Nigel. Turandot is a piece I have grown to love very much, thanks to Nigel's passionate advocacy of the opera.

I'll always think of you Nigel when ever I hear even a single note of Turandot. Thank you sweet prince. XX

This site will not allow me to upload the complete pdf of the score. If you would like the complete 34 page score then e-mail me at

Mark Hewitt
